Classes & Workshops
REIKI Practitioners Program - Level I and II
Reiki is a Japanese energy healing technique that works holistically on the whole body, mind and spirit. It is believed to improve just about any aspect of life, from physical health to emotional well-being to mental clarity. It doesn’t matter what your background is or how old you are, Reiki will enrich you and all your interactions. Remember, Reiki is not just for people who want to become healers – It is for everyone, has no religious implications and is safe and beneficial even for babies. Reiki truly has the ability to change your life for the better like you never imagined. It‘s a wonderful gift you can give to yourself and others. The beauty is that it is a gift that keeps giving. For more on what Reiki is please visit "REIKI" page.
The Reiki Course is now offerred onine as well as in person, with the majority of time being onliine as that paces out the classes facilitating better learning and retention for the students. If there are students who prefer the in-person classes then that can be arranged depending on the interest. Details on both options are explained below

REIKI Level I and II - Online Option
The online Reiki Practitioner course is a series of online classes paced out over approximately 10 weeks. The modules for each class are uploaded for students to go through each week with live weekly office hours on Monday evenings, 7pm to 8pm Eastern time. The live office hours are to discuss the module for the week and address any questions the students may have. The students must complete the module for that week before the scheduled Office Hours and every student must attend all office hours and submit all practice sessions for evaluation to be eligible for the certificate. After successful evaluation the student will be emailed their certificates.
The Reiki Practitioner online course is offered
for an exchange of $497.
Next course starts September 9, 2024
Registration closes September 1st 2024
Click the purchase button to sign up. For other payment options please email me.
** We do suggest to book a free consultation call before
enrolling in/purchasing the course.

REIKI Level I and II - In Person Option
In person classes are held over the weekend, Friday afternoon and full days Saturday and Sunday. Please email or book a call to find out spot availability for the next scheduled in-person class.
Reiki Level I - In-person classes
Fee: $325 ($50 non-refundable deposit required to hold spot)
Friday Evening Nov. 1, online 7pm to 9pm and
Saturday Nov. 2 full day 9:30am to 5:30pm with 45min lunch break
Reiki Level II - In person classes
Fee: $350 ($50 non-refundable deposit required to hold spot)
Friday Evening Nov. 1, online 7pm to 9pm and
Sunday Nov. 3 full day 9:30am to 5:30pm with 45min lunch break
Reiki Level I and II Combined Practitioner Course (Recommended)
Fee: $555 ($100 non-refundable deposit required to hold spot)
Save $120 by taking the recommended combined course
Attend all 3 days, November 1, 2 and 3, 2024.
*Friday class consists of Introduction and History of Reiki and
is mandatory for both Levels to attend

Non-refundable deposit required for registration to hold your spot. Balance to be paid on or before the first day of the class.
Please email which level you are registering for and your contact information to confirm your spot availability.
Registration Deposit Payment can be made via Paypall or E-transfer after spot confirmation.
Proof of completing Level I (Copy of Level I Certificate) required if registering only for Level II.
Booking a call to chat with the teacher prior to enrolling in the course is highly recommended and preferred.
For any questions schedule an introductory call for 30 minutes by clicking the 'Book a Call' Button below.
REIKI Level I and II Course Content
for both Online and In-person Classes
Course Content
Level I Course:
What is Reiki
History of Reiki
Reiki Principles
Chakras and Auras
Energy Cords
Levels of Reiki
Reiki Level I Attunement
Hand Positions for a full Reiki Session
How to give Chair Reiki
Level II Course:
Brief History of Reiki
Reiki Level II Attunements
Reiki Level II Symbols & their integration into a Reiki Session
Turning on the power of Reiki Energy
Mental and Emotional Healing
Distant Healing
Beaming Reiki
Scanning with Reiki
Chakra Testing
Various areas where Reiki can be used
REIKI Master Practitioner Level III and
Master Teacher Level IV Course
The third and forth Master Level initiation increases the student’s capacity to channel the Universal Energy. The knowledge gained in these levels can often help the student to find their true path in life and sometimes may even guide them towards changes in their life. Each person that takes Reiki Master training increases their personal vibration and this adds to the vibration of the whole planet. Proof of Reiki Practitioner Certification is required to take this course. Please call to talk to us if you are taking the Teacher level as there is a screening process.
Online Live Master Level Classes Starting Nov. 11, 2024.
Please email if interested in joining.
Weekly online classes on Monday evenings at 7pm.
Online combined course (Level III & IV) for $797.
Reiki Master Level III
Fee: $397 - $50 non-refundable deposit required to hold spot
In person classes: Friday, September 6, 2024 7pm to .and
Saturday, September 7, 2024 9:30am to 5:30pm
Reiki Master Teacher Level IV
Fee: $497 - $50 non-refundable deposit required to hold spot
In person Classes: Friday, September 6, 2024 7pm to 9pm and
Sunday, September 8, 2024 9:30am to 5:30pm
Reiki Level III and IV - Combined Master Teacher Course
Fee: $804 - $100 non-refundable deposit required to register
Save $90 by taking the recommended combined course
In Person Classes: Must attend all 3 days, September 6, 7 and 8, 2024.
*Students will be provided digital copy of the Manual. A printed copy can be requested for a fee of $45.

Non-refundable deposit required for registration. Balance to be paid on or before the first day of the class.
Registration Deposit Payment can be made via Paypall or E-transfer
Please email which level you are registering for and your contact information to confirm your spot availability.
Very Small class sizes. Spots available on first come, first serve basis.
Once space is filled registration will close.
For any questions click the 'Book Call' button below to schedule a mutually convenient time to chat or just email a question.
Reiki Master Course Content
Level III Master Practitioner Level Course Content:
Overview of Reiki Level I and II
Meaning and Use of Reiki Master Level III
Master Practitioner Level Attunement
Level III Master Symbols and its use
Aura Cleaning and Reiki Moving Meditation
Working with Crystals and Crystal Grid
Level IV Master Teacher Level Course Content:
Overview of all previous levels of Reiki for clarity
Attunement to Master Teacher Level
Traditional Master Level Symbol and other Symbols and its use
Violet Breath
Learn how to do Reiki Level Attunements and practice
Information on conducting classes
Explanation of teacher requirements
Energy Clearing & Protection Workshop
Have you ever wondered;
Why you suddenly feel down in the dumps when you were in a great mood just moments ago and nothing happened to make your mood suddenly change?
Why sometimes certain places just feel heavy?
Why sometimes after a visitor leaves, the space seems to have an odd feeling?
If this has perked your interest, then please join me at the
FREE Online Energy Clearing and Protection Workshop
Date: To be Announced
Place: Online
Price: $55
This one hour lunchtime workshop is designed to help you understand how energies affect us and give you some tools and techniques to protect your energy field as well as clear stagnant energies from your space and yourself. ​
Pendulum Workshop - In-person Class
Learn how to pick a pendulum that is right for you, then program it to work with your energy and to correctly get answers to your questions. In this workshop you will also be thought how to clear the pendulum and use it to balance Chakras for yourself and others.
Chakras are energy centres in our bodies. Our Physical, emotional and mental well-being are related directly to all these energy centers being balanced and working in harmony. This is an ongoing process. It would be nice if we could help ourselves and our loved ones in keeping these chakras balanced.
At the workshop you will be provided with your very own pendulums, written material, chakra cards, and chart plus hands on practice. Registration is on first come first served basis.
Date: To be Announced
Tme: 10am to 1pm
Place: Grimsby, ON (Exact address sent on registration)
Fee: $111CDN
You can also register through
Eventbrite link below
Payment is preferred via E-transfer.
Credit card payment option available through Eventbrite.
Eventbrite does adds a registration fee.
Registration closes 2 days before the workshop date.
Refund available 7 days before the event.
Only 4 spots available.
For any questions please feel free to email using the Email button or use the Book Call button to schedule a call.
via E-transfer to
6 Weeks Online Mindfullness Program
Mindfulness is the practice of paying attention in the present moment and doing it with non-judgment. Mindfullness practice can help in stress reduction, boosting memory, increase focus, better understanding, increase relationship satisfaction and decrease negativity. Mindfulness has been shown to enhance self-insight, morality, intuition and fear modulation, all functions associated with the brain's middle prefrontal lobe area.
The 6 week program offers basic tools to use and practice each week and build upon it. Once a week we meet for an hour in an online interactive class and the rest of the week you practice the daily exercises, writing your observations in your journals. Zoom link and a closed facebook group connection will be sent to each person registering for the class so that communication and support is available during the week.
Spot confirmed only after receipt of payment
Payment may be made via Eventbrite or e-transfer
For e-transfer please use the email button below
Eventbrite does add on their charges of roughly $4 per ticket
For any questions please feel free to email using the Email button

Online weekly evening classes
Starting Date: To be Announced
Class Time: 6pm to 7pm Eastern Time
Fee: $97 for 6 weeks